martes, 22 de noviembre de 2016

My Personal Profile (Pedro José 3ºC)

Hi!! My name is Pedro José and I'm nineteen. I'm from Lobón a little town near to Badajoz. I live in Badajoz because I'm studing here. I like the photograpie , listening music , swimming and watching TV series and films.
I want (to) travel to NYC and California when I finish my studies. I want to (go to California) CA because I like her beaches and turristic places. I want (to) see Central Park, (the) Empire State Building and Brookling in NYC.

I like listen (listening to)  Rap and Pop music. My favourit TV series are Gossip Girl, House of Cards, Scream Queens, Modern Fmily and The big Ban Theory. I always eat popcorns when I watch films. ( It's a (an) obsession)

My favourite social networks are Twitter, Youtube, and We Heart It because it's a photography's social network. You can follow me in my social networks and we can see us soon
Very well done. 9

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